Ravenfrost 20Dex/244AR
Forti Sacred Armor 28@/1LPL (12ED base)
EOath Balrog Blade 333ed
35FCR Crown Shield Spirit (43@ Base)
4os Caddy +2 Sanctuary
2 Socket Trolls Nest
3 Socket Monarch
Fireskiller +4 Str
Fireskiller Plain
Keys, Organs, Currency runes, 19L+ Small charms|||Hi there, I have a 19 life +20 defense sc, happen to need it?|||Quote:
Hi there, I have a 19 life +20 defense sc, happen to need it?
I just bought 2 similar ones off groo from Mal each. I don't have any mals atm, so I can offer 2xum. Unless you have any other needs?
Edit: t4t|||2 ums are perfectly fine

*Skanni|||Hi - Still looking for organs?|||Quote:
Hi - Still looking for organs?
Depends how many sets you have. At the moment I'm a little short on ists and a little flooded with unid torches

E: Do you have any other needs other than runes?|||Uhm no idea..my pala is far away from perfect, but this doesnt mean it's very very good. What i want to say is that my needs are items to get "to the next level" lol, like dressing my merc with a fortitude or w/e, so far away from a couple of ists...Anyways, you don't have to buy them if you dont need them ((:
got 2 sets now, but i'm not online right now (having dinner in a bit)|||Ravenfrost 20Dex/244AR
Offer 4 ists on this one!
Ravenfrost 20Dex/244AR
Offer 4 ists on this one!
Deal. you want me to set up a mule trade?|||Yes please!

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