Thursday, April 19, 2012

[EuScL] 2 x Eth Herald of Zakarum

Time to sell these two shields.

Eth Herald of Zakarum

Def 838

ED 191%


Eth Herald of Zakarum

Def 834

ED 195%


Needs are

Runes|||4 ist on the 191.|||Thanks for you offer, but it's not closeable for a ethereal.|||8 ist on 191|||Not sure if it’s closable. I have to think about it.

I have made a pc. It might be worth 2 bers or more.

Closable is of course less than 2 bers.|||2 bers???i think an eth zaka is much less than 1 hr as u got to buy a zod that u can trade now with a lot of problems vs 8 ist...

i up my offer to jah/ber if zod is included if not, i offer jah if u add 8 ist|||I`ll Offer 25 ist each.

You saw my PC in the referred topic. But I think it was early in the ladder when a ber was worth fortune. 25 ist each should be low offer but I`m willing to pay it even though I don`t need the shields.

I think you deserve to get something decent for those really high rolls.|||ok.. since russev seems to have more experience on that i offer the following enidma

enigma in superior dusk shroud(15 ed)

jah ith ber

1312 defense

+774 (1 from perfect)

i wish to change the eni vs both zakas + some ists as i value that roll near 4 hrs...|||Thanks a lot for your very nice offers. Both offer are closable.

@ russev Yes, I got a link from Incubator Jones in my pc. So it's your valuations that I'm refering to. Your offer is leading.

@ peremw; I'm sorry but I don't have any Ists atm.

Your offer is a little bit hard to valuate. How many Ists are "some"?|||i was thinking on 6

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