Stash will be shut for the weekend as i will be at the gathering. You can still request items but you will not get them untill i am back.Carried on from Mackscynox. Requests/donations will be handled via mule or ingame transfer.
Rules1) You must have a trade rating of at least 2.
2) Any items you request must be for immediate self use only (not for trading or stashing)
3) Please include the entire line for the item you request
HelmsAldur's Helm (8)
Andariel's Visage (6, 15)
Arreats Face (6)
Arreats Face Ethereal (4)
Blackhorns Face (7)
Cerebus Bite (15)
Crown Of Ages 1 os (6)
Crown of Thieves (5)
CraneBeak (14)
Demonhorn's Edge (1)
Darksight Helm (14)
Halaberd's Reign (1)
Giant Skull (4)
Griffons Eye (5)
Griswold Valor (11)
Guillaume's Face (13)
Howltusk (5)
IK Helm (6)
Jalal's Mane (4)
Kira's Guardian (6)
Magic Barb helm - +3 barb skill, +96 life (7)
Magic Coronet - +2 Cold skills, + 97 Life (14)
Magic Coronet - +3 Paladin Combat skills , 20 Damage reduced (14)
Peasant Crown (7)
Rare Tiara - +1 Barb skills, 20% FRW, 20% FCR, +15 Dex, +13 Resists (2)
Rare Circlet - +2 Paladin skills, 6% ML, 121% Edef, +18 resists, Dr by 2 (13)
Rare Coronet - +2 Paladin skills, 20% fcr, +28% damage to demons, +28 Ar against demons, 8% LL, 94% Edef, attacker takes damage of 6 (5)
Rare Zombie Head - +1 Necro skills, +15 Ar, 6-14 poison damage, +2 bone prison, +1 decrepify, +68% Edef, +12 resists, attacker take damage of 6 (6)
Rockstopper (8)
Sigon's Visor (14)
StealSkull (3)
Tal Rasha's Helm (14)
Tarnhelm (10)
Trang Oul's Helm (4)
Valkyrie Wing
Veil of steel (10)
Wolfhowl (6)
ArmorArkaines Valor (8)
CorpseMourn (12)
Crow Caw
Duriel's Shell (14)
GoldSkin (2)
Griswold's Heart (15)
Guardian Angel (12)
Haeosmu's Adamant (7)
Heavenly Garb (9)
Naj's Light plate (1)
Natalya's Shadow (16)
Magic Sacred Armor - +87 Life, 3 os (13)
Ormus Robes - Shiver Armor (10)/ Telekinesis (10)/Thunderstorm (10)/ Nova (10) / Inferno (11) / Blaze (15)
Que-hegan's Wisdom (4)
Rattlecage (7)
Sigon's Shelter (9)
Skin of the Flayed one (6)
Skin of the Flayed one (ethereal) (10)
Skin of the Vipermagi (8)
Spirit Forge (4)
The Gladiators Bane (1)
Toothrow Armor (10)
Trang oul's Armor (7)
ShieldsBlackoak Shield (2)
Gerke's Sanctuary (4)
Griswold's Honor (16)
Hsarus' Iron Fist (4)
Homunculus (15)
Lidless Wall (8)
Stormshield (1, 8)
The Ward (12)
Whitstan's Guard (8)
GlovesBloodfist (8)
Dracul's Grasp (8)
Frostburn (4)
Hellmouth (4)
IK Gauntlets (12)
M'avina's Gauntlets (3)
Magic gauntlets- +2 passive/magic skills, 20% IAS (12)
Rare Gloves - +2 Martial arts skills, 20% fcr, +1 dex, LR 10% (3)
Rare gloves - +2 Martial arts skills, 20% IAS, 6% LR, 21% MF (4)
Rare Gauntlets - +2 Passive/magic skills, 20% IAS, +17 Ar, +75% Edef, replenish life +5 (5)
Rare Gauntlets - +2 Passive/magic skills, +15 strength, +15 dex, Cr 12% , Pr 27% (5)
Sander's Taboo (10)
Sigon's Gage (10)
Soul drainer (5)
Trang Oul's Bracers (13)
BootsAldur's Advance (16)
IK Boots (7)
Gore Riders (9, 4)
Hsarus' Iron Heel (8)
Marrowwalks (1)
Sanders Riprap (4)
Sandstorm Treks (16)
Sigon's Sabot (14)
Rare boots - 30% frw, +6 dex, Cr 39%, Fr 34%, 5% mf (16)
Waterwalks (16)
BeltsBladesbuckle (8)
Credendum (11)
Death's Guard (2)
Glooms Trap (3)
Goldwrap (9)
Hsarus' Iron Stay (5)
IK Belt (7)
M'avina's Belt (3)
Sigons Belt (12)
String Of Ears (3)
Tal Rasha's Belt (15)
Thundergods Belt (5, 9)
WeaponsAldur's Rhythm (14)
Astreon's Iron Wand (9)
Ali baba (12)
Angelic Sickle (10)
Arcanna's Deathwand (9)
Baranar's Star (10)
Bartuc's Cut-throat (7)
Blackbog's Sharp Cinquedeas (3)
Blackhand Key (7)
Boneflame (11)
Boneshade (8)
Bonesnap Maul (3, 4)
Butchers Pupil (7)
Buriza-do Kyanon (2)
Carin Shard (8)
Cranebeak (13)
Dangoon's Teaching (10)
Dark Clan Crusher (10)
Deaths Web - Ethereal (6)
Demon's Arch (1)
Demon Machine (3)
Djinn Slayer (15)
EagleHorn Bow (3)
Earthshaker (2)
Eschuta's Temper (16)
Ethereal Edge (11)
Executioner's Justice (2)
Frostwind (10)
Gimmershred (12)
Griswold's Redemption (4)
Hand of Blessed Light (16)
IK Maul (7,16)
Jade Talon (15)
Lacerator (3)
Langer Briser (11)
Lightsabre (4)
Lycanders Flank (2)
Lycanders Aim (12)
M'avina Caster Bow (3)
Plague Bearer (7)
Oculus (9)
Ondals Wisdom (5,6)
Rare Dimensional Blade - 40% Ias, 211% ED, +3 max damage, +max damage (Based on character lever) +16 Ar (per character level), +3 strength, 20% Fr (14)
Razor's Edge (14)
Ribcracker (14)
Reapers Toll (16)
Rune Master 5 os (11)
Rusthandle (12)
Schaefer's Hammer (1)
SkyStrike Bow (11)
Spectral Shard (1)
StoneCrusher (1)
Stormlash (14)
The Atlantean (13)
The Grandfather (9)
The Meat Scraper (3)
The Redeemer (11)
Thunderstroke (2)
Tombreaver 1 os (11)
Ume's Lament (4)
Warlord's Trust (13)
Warshrike (13)
Warpspear (16)
Widowmaker (2)
Windhammer (2)
Witchwild String (3)
Wraith Flight Ghost Glaive (1)
SocketablesArchon Plate (1)
Bone Visage 3 os (10)
Berserker Axe 3 os (6)
Berserker axe 6 os (8)
Crystal Sword 5 os (5)
Crusader Bow 4 os (13)
Dusk Shroud 3 os (13)
Dusk Shroud 4 os (8)
Ethereal Colossus Blade 5 os (12)
Ethereal bugged (low) Dusk Shroud 4 os (12)
Ethereal Dusk shroud 4 os (12)
Ethereal Lacquered Plate 4 os (6)
Ethereal Monarch (6)
Ethereal Scarab Husk (12)
Ethereal War Spike (10)
Ethereal Crystal Sword 5 os (15)
Ethereal Giant Thresher 6 os (11)
Great Hauberk 4 os (13)
Great Bow 4 os (13)
Mage plate 2 os (14)
Sacred Rondache +28 Resists, 3 os (14)
PhaseBlade (15)
Petrified Wand - +1 summon resist, +1 attract, +3 bone spear
Superior Akaran Targe - 11% Ed, +45 resists, Dura 13% (10)
Superior Sacred Rondache - +44 resists, 15% dura, 3 os (6)
Superior Phaseblade - 10% Ed, +2 Ar (2)
Superior Balrog Blade - 14% Ed , Ethereal (5)
Scourge 4 os (2)
Superior Sacred Armor - 8% Edef , 13% durability (13)
Superior Ancient Armor - 15% Edef (15)
Superior Balrog Skin - 15% Edef (7)
Superior Twin Axe - 10% Ed, +3 Ar, 5 os (11)
Superior Great Bow - 15% Ed (5)
Wire Fleece 4os (3, 13)
RunewordsBone in Breast Plate (5)
Duress in Ethereal Wire Fleece (15)
Edge in Light crossbow (14)
Harmony in Crusader bow (9)
Insight in Thresher (16)
Obedience In Ethereal Cryptic Axe (9)
Prudence in Shadow plate (12)
Rhyme in Monarch (6)
Sanctuary in Troll Nest (16)
Smoke In Great Hauberk (13)
Spirit Crown shield (pala only) +65 cold/lighting/poison +35 fire resist (6)
Treachery in embossed plate (12)
Rings/AmuletsAtma's Scarab (4)
Angelic Halo (10)
Bk 3% (16)
Bk 4% x2 (16)
Bk 5% (16)
Cathan's Seal (8)
Carrion Wind (2)
Crescent moon Amulet (5)
Dwarf Star ring (16)
Eye of etlich (6)
Nagelring (5, 8)
Nokozan Relic (7)
Magic Amulet - +3 Passive/Magic skills, +30 strength (7)
Magic Amulet - +3 Martial Arts Skills , +100 Life (4)
Magic Amulet - +3 Shadow discipline (assassian) +27 Dex (8)
Magic Amulet - +3 Cold Skills, +49 Life (14)
Magic Amulet - +3 Poison/bone skills, +83 Life (14)
Magic Amulet - +3 Paladin Combat skills, 10% FCR (13)
Magic Amulet - +3 Trap skills, +30 strength (12)
Magic ring - 24% Mf (14)
Manald Heal (2)
Mara's Kaleidoscope +20 resists (11)
Rare ring - 10% fcr, +57 Ar, +20 mana, Pr 30%, +1 light radius
Rare ring - 10% fcr, +19 AR, +22 life, +59 mana, FR 8%, Dr by 2 (8)
Rare ring - 10% fcr, +1 max damage, +36 AR, CR 12%, PR 24% (1)
Rare Amulet - +1 Assassin Skills, 10% fcr, 4% ml, 6% LL, Cr 30% (1)
RavenFrost (2)
Tancred's Wierd (13)
The Rising sun (3)
Charms/Jewels3% frw, +13 mana SC (3)
5% frw, +32 mana LC (6)
5% fhr, +6 mana SC (13)
Fr 11% Sc (8)
6% MF, +19 Ar SC (13)
7% MF, +7 defence SC (14)
+20 Life SC x3 (16)
+1 Javelin/spear Skills (1)
+1 Shadow discipline GC (8, 16)
+1 Necro curses, +3 dex GC (15)
+1 Necro summoning skills, +13 life (11)
+1 Necro Summoning Skills x2 (1)
+115 Ar, +31 Life GC (5)
+116 Ar, +24 Life GC (5)
+9 max damage, +76 Ar GC (5)
+12 max damage, +64 Ar GC (5)
11/20 Assassin Torch (9)
14/12 Druid Torch (2)
18/12 Necro Torch (1)
15/20 Necro Torch (3)
Jewel - +25 Max damage (14)
Jewel - 20% ED, +4 min damage- lvl 9 (16)
RBF - 4/5 Meteor Die (6)
RBF - 5/3 Blizzard Die (8)
Burning essence of terror x2 (16)
Zod Rune (15)
Ist Rune x20 (15)
Reserved Items|||I could've use of a Sanctuary for my javazon, if possible.

Gonna check my stuff later for donations, could very well have useful stuff to donate.
Edit: Writing down a list of stuff i could donate...
Bushessence: Arreats, Shaftstop
Bushyitems: Kira's guardian, bk weapons, wt, magefist, crown of thieves, raven frost, dwarf star
Bushcraft-I: Skullder's ire, raven frost
BushyBush-III: Smoke Wire Fleece, WT, string of ears, treachery mageplate
BushyBush-IV: Trang Oul Belt, Nosferatu's Coil
Bushulan-II: tal belt, tal orb, tal amu, tal mask, stone wyrmhide, shako, viper
Contact me on *Bush.se or *Bush.swe when you feel like it.|||Umm, i maybe would use HOTO on my necromancer project?

E: Thanks alot again!

-Tabasco|||Could use the Oath Cryptic sword. I can donate a 5/-4 poison facet and some other small goodies. *TheBlues|||Online now *etffreestuff|||Just starting a mule for this initiative, will be up and running in a few minutes, I'll PM you with the mule account momentary.
Send PM with Mule Details, Items i want to donate are:
Arkaine Valor (2x)
Vipermagi 31@
Trang-Oul Scales
Sandstorm Trek (3x)
Marrowwalk (2 skel masteries)
Sander's RipRap
Waterwalk 55 life
Carin Shard
Boneshade (2x)
Bartuc's (2x)
Wizspike (2x)
IK Hammer
IK Boots
Trap Skiller (clean)
Tal Rasha Amu (4x)
Highlord's Wrath (3x)
Atma's Scarab
Magic Amulet +3 Shadow Disciplines (Assa only) +27 dext
+5 -4 Cold Facet
-4 +5 Fire Facet
+5 -4 Poison
+4 -5 Poison
Cathan's Seal
Magic Coronet +3 Fire Skills (Sorc Only) +20 Faster Cast Rate
Shako (2x)
PM Sent, enjoy everyone!|||I could use a tal amulet and a pair of war travelers, not sure what can I donate that is not there yet though :/
*VowOfIconoclasm|||Treachery in Mage Plate
My assassin could use this one.
Can donate 1x 5os CS + 1x 4os Flail
Online now
edit: Many thanks!|||Hey there,
i could use bul'kathos children and possibly smoke wire fleece (although my need is kinda low for that, i just havent been able to find a decent base for myself yet) would also like to donate 2x bloodletter a lidless eye and guillaumes face (tried to trade that to you a while ago, happy to just give it to you now if you still need it)
edit: thanks for that trek
*ilikepie217/8|||Scionofstorm - Mule trade sent
Erbo + Zzilb - Trade done in-game, thanks.